Two of my personal top three - the GazettE and my Cats

Dienstag, 11. Januar 2011

Rest in peace...

really bad day...
first my clock didn´t ring, so i was to late...
first lesson - english test.... i really don´t know what i should say...
the rest of the schoolday was quite normal...
but my sis textet me, her guinea pig died... that was a shock, neo was sooo sweet
i regrettably haven´t a photo from him
but he was black with a white point on his forehead...
he will rest in peace
i bought something to eat, like ice cream and chocolate and went to my sis.
so we sat there and ate candies.
we talked and watch tv...
tomorrow i have class till evening... i don´t want to... (i also haven´t got my homework in design... shit happens... XD

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Über Kommentare freu ich mich immer sehr und hoffe ihr habt auch das Bedürfnis ein paar Zeilen hier zu lassen^^

Ich liebe übrigens auch Kritik - solange sie konstruktiv ist!!
Beschimpfungen und Beleidigungen zeugen meiner Meinung nach von Unreifheit und haben hier bitte nichts zu suchen.

Ansonsten - Haut in die Tasten und lasst mir ein liebes Kommi hier^^
Liebe Grüße