Two of my personal top three - the GazettE and my Cats

Montag, 10. Januar 2011

Listen to good music^^

right now i´m listen to very good music^^
my favorite band the gazette with ito^^
it´s a quiete old song but i love it^^

(that´s gazette^^)

yeah... first school day after holidays... it was bad, as i said...
i couldn´t sleep at night... so i get only 2 hours sleep...

school was quite normal, on friday i probably be finished with my blouse^^ i hope so^^
tomorrow i have english-test ( i know i said it already but who cares XD)

today my cats were sooo cute^^
i take some photos so here we go^^

that´s the older one^^ her name´s leeloo and she´s sooo cute, like an egypt cat^^

that´s the younger one^^ his name is luffy (but my mother called him fluffy...) he´s a real cute cat who knows that he´s cute... he dropped things and smash a lot of things, and then look so cute that you cannot be angry with him^^

both are realy lovely^^ i love them so much^^

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Über Kommentare freu ich mich immer sehr und hoffe ihr habt auch das Bedürfnis ein paar Zeilen hier zu lassen^^

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Beschimpfungen und Beleidigungen zeugen meiner Meinung nach von Unreifheit und haben hier bitte nichts zu suchen.

Ansonsten - Haut in die Tasten und lasst mir ein liebes Kommi hier^^
Liebe Grüße